
Radosure is the radon measurement division of Track Analysis Systems Ltd (TASL), supplying radon detectors for the home, school and workplace in the UK and throughout the EU*. We have run our validated radon measurement service for over 5 years and performed over 50,000 measurements.

TASL was established in 1984. The company’s global business specialises in high sensitivity radiation measurements in nuclear science and technology where it has developed sophisticated instrumentation. Its highly sensitive TASTRAK plastic radiation detectors and fully automated readout and analysis systems are exported worldwide for diverse applications in radiation monitoring. Applications include radon measurements in indoor and underground mine environments, and specialist radiation safety and health dosimetry measurements for the nuclear industry*.

TASL scientists have over 30 years experience in radon measurements and were amongst the pioneers of measurements in UK homes and schools. TASL carried out the first extensive radon surveys on behalf of local authority Environmental Health Officers. Our TASTRAK plastic detectors have been employed in over two million radon gas measurements worldwide.

Radosure radon detectors are sophisticated in design ensuring ultimate accuracy. Their analysis uses TASLIMAGE technology incorporating our unique auto-calibration algorithms.

*Visit our TASL website for our worldwide services, including information on bulk orders and complete laboratory systems for radon gas measurements, neutron dosimetry and nuclear particle measurements.